L'essor | Jean-Baptiste AUDUC | 3 mars 2020 Depuis 2017, l'entreprise Hprobe fabrique et commercialise des machines pour réaliser des mesures...
Laurent LEBRUN
Levée de fonds internationale pour Hprobe
Présences | 27 février 2020 Fournisseur d’équipements testant les composants magnétiques dans l’industrie du semi-conducteur, la jeune...
MRAM Continues March to Mainstream
Global Foundries | Davis Lammers | Jan 30, 2020 For IoT and Automotive Applications, Embedded MRAM Promises Cost-Effective and Low-Power Solution.
GLOBALFOUNDRIES Delivers Industry’s First Production-ready eMRAM on 22FDX Platform for IoT and Automotive Applications
GlobalFoundries | Erica McGill | Feb 27, 2020 Company’s advanced embedded non-volatile memory on its FDX™ platform provides a cost-effective...
Test de mémoires magnétiques MRAM : le Grenoblois Hprobe lève 2 M€
La start-up grenobloise Hprobe, fournisseur d’équipements de test sous champ magnétique de composants semiconducteurs, annonce avoir levé plus de 2 millions d’euros pour accélérer le développement international de son activité de test de composants.
Hprobe séduit des investisseurs étrangers
Hprobe vient de finaliser un deuxième tour de table de deux millions d’euros. « Cet investissement renforce la capacité de Hprobe à devenir le leader du test sous champ magnétique », assure Laurent Lebrun, son président.
Hprobe obtient 2 M€ pour tester les nouveaux composants semi-conducteurs
Les Echos Capital finance | William Sadrin | 5 février 2020 Née au sein du laboratoire Spintec en mars 2017 à Grenoble, Hprobe conçoit et...
ATE-for-MRAM startup raises funds
eeNews | Peter Clarke | February 4, 2020 Hprobe, a provider of semiconductor automatic test equipment (ATE) for magnetic devices, has raised more...
Hprobe, Leader in Magnetic Field Testing Announces Completion of a New Funding Round with International Investors
Semiconductor Digest | Shannon Davis | February 5, 2020 Hprobe, a provider of semiconductor Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) for magnetic devices,...
Hprobe raises over 2 million Euroes to support its MRAM device testing equipment development
MRAM info | Ron Mertens | February 6, 2020 Hprobe, a developer of testing equipment for magnetic devices, has raised more than 2 million euros from...
Hprobe, la pépite française qui veut accélérer le test de mémoires et capteurs magnétiques
L'Usine Nouvelle | RIDHA LOUKIL | 3 février 2020 Avec la levée de fonds de 2 millions d’euros, la pépite grenobloise compte développer sa deuxième...
Hprobe, Leader in Magnetic Field Testing Announces Completion of a New Funding Round with International Investors
Grenoble, France, February 4, 2020 – Hprobe, a provider of semiconductor Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) for magnetic devices, today announced the...
Building an MRAM array
Semiconductor Engineering | Katherine Derbyshire | october 2017, 2019 Why MRAM is so attractiveMRAM is gaining traction in a variety of designs as a...
TSMC to present 5nm CMOS, 22nm STT-MRAM at IEDM
EE News | Peter Clarke | October 15, 2019 Leading foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC) has at least two significant papers at...
Power/Performance Bits: Oct. 15
Semiconductor Engineering | Jesse Allen | October 15th, 2019 “ MRAM magnetic tunnel junction probabilistic behavior is of great opportunity for...
Pushing Memory Harder
Semiconductor Engineering | Brian Bailey | October 14th, 2019 MRAM is good candidate for low power and ultra-low power mode of nomad applications...
MRAM is key for eFlash replacement in automotive application…
Insideevs | Gustavo Henrique Ruffo | October 12, 2019 “ MRAM is key for eFlash replacement in automotive application to resolve the limitation of...
MRAM Testing and Solderability
EE Journal | Bryon Moyer | October 7, 2019 This week we take on a couple of developments in the MRAM world. While much of our more recent MRAM...
Hprobe says first MRAM tester qualified by a major foundry in Taiwan for production use
MRAM-info | Ron Mertens | September 24, 2019 Hprobe, a developer of testing equipment for magnetic devices, says its first Hprobe MRAM tester was...
Emerging Memories And Artificial Intelligence
Forbes | Tom Coughlin | Sept 9, 2019 He spoke about how various new memories work—in particular Resistive RAM (RRAM), Phase Change Memory...